Posts from the ‘meja akar jati’ Category

console akar jati


Raw Coffee Table

Merak meja tamu set

Meja kursi tamu jati merak

Meja Kursi Tamu akar Jati

akar jati single wood

console jati

console jati

meja akar gembol

Root Stand

Root Furniture

Teak root furniture located in wooden industry cluster Jepara, Central Java Indonesia, producing uniqe and rare items that have aesthetic value that can be placed in the dining room, bedroom, living room, terrace and decorative home products , such as chairs, tables, beds, benches, statues, carvings. material used is the root of teak wood that has been unused and is lied under the ground. Root furniture also is committed to utilize the waste that is not utilized and provide economic resources for the community forest.we use root of teak, mahogany and rosewood(Sonokeling)

Meja Jati Bolong

Meja Kursi Tamu Langka

Limited uniqe produk